Scientific papers
38) Church, K., Aguilar, A., Krupa, A., Morin, G., Asselin, H. & Turgeon K.
Perspectives of Cree land users on the performance of fish habitat compensation projects in Eeyou Istchee
(In review)
37) Church, K., Aguilar, A., Krupa, A., Morin, G., Asselin, H. & Turgeon K.
Case studies of fish habitat compensation in Eeyou Istchee: compensation projects prioritize facility over effectivity
(In review)
36) Vélu, J. & Turgeon K.
Values, beliefs, and personal and social norms for freshwater turtle conservation on private land in Quebec influence pro-environmental actions
(In review)
35) Tanguay, L., Bissonnette, J.F., Calmé, S., Koutouki, K., & Turgeon K.
Enhancing Natural Habitats Conservation Success on Private Lands by Understanding and Addressing Deficiencies in Social Capital
(In review)
34) Harrison, P., Power, M., Cooke, S.J. et al. (30 co-authors).
Research priorities for the development of fish friendly hydropower: a global list of 50 key questions.
(In review)
33) Turgeon K., Reid. K., Fryxell J.M & Nudds, T.D.
Compensatory responses by managers, commercial and recreational harvesters to variation in stock abundance of Lake Erie walleye (Sander vitreus)
(In review) -
32) Sydor-Estable, C., Turgeon, K. & Maheu. A. 2025.
Tragedy of the culverts? Characterizing the state of road infrastructure in public and private forests
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 373, 2025, 123814 -
31) Rodriguez et al. (12 co-authors).
Assessing the potential responses of ten important fisheries species to a changing climate with machine learning and observational data across the province of Québec
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Trottier, G., Tremblay, A., Bilodeau, F., et Turgeon. K
The transient dynamics and co-variation of ecological and biogeochemical variables following impoundment in boreal reservoirs
Sciences of the Total Environment; Volume 924, 171256 Auffray, M., Senécal, J.-F., Turgeon, K., St-Hilaire, A. & Maheu A. 2023
Reservoirs regulated by small dams have a similar warming effect than lakes on the summer thermal regime of streams
Sciences of the Total Environment; Volume 869, 161445
28) Rytwinski T., et al. (+ 13 co-authors, including Turgeon K.). 2023
How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review.
Ecological Solutions and Evidence; 4(1), e12216
27) Fouqueray, T., Lévesque, A., Bissonnette, J. -F., Turgeon K. & Dupras, J. 2023
Remote participatory research has logistical benefits, but presents scientific and ethical challenges
Environmental Research Letters 18 021002
26) Trottier, G., Turgeon, K., Verones, F., Boisclair, D., Bulle, C.,& Margni, M. 2022
The impacts of hydropower on freshwater macroinvertebrate biodiversity: A global meta-analysis.
PlOS One, 17(8); e0273089
25) Tanguay, L., Bissonnette, J.-F., Turgeon, K. & Calmé, S. 2021
Intervention levers for increasing social acceptance of conservation measures on private land: A systematic literature review and comprehensive typology
Environmental Research Letters 16: 073007
24) Bernie-Gauvin, K, et al. (+ 8 co-authors). 2021
How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and diversity in temperate regions? A systematic review protocol.
Ecological Solutions and Evidence; 2(2), e12079
23) Trottier, G., Turgeon, K., Verones, F., Boisclair, D., Bulle, C.,& Margni, M. 2021
Empirical Characterization Factors for Life Cycle Assessment of the Impacts of Reservoir Occupation on Macroinvertebrate Richness across the United States
Sustainability; 13(5), 2701
22) Turgeon K., Trottier G., Turpin C., Bulle C., & Margni M. 2021
Empirical characterization factors assessing the effects of hydroelectricity on fish richness across three large biomes
Ecological Indicators; 121; 107047 -
21) Turgeon K., Turpin, C. & Gregory-Eaves I. 2019
Dams have varying impacts on fish communities across latitudes: A quantitative synthesis
Ecology Letters; 22(9); 1501-1516
20) Trottier G., Embke H., Turgeon K., Solomon C.T., Nozais C., & Gregory-Eaves I. 2019
Macroinvertebrate abundance is lower in temperate reservoirs with higher drawdown
Hydrobiologia 834; 199-211
19) Turgeon K., Turpin C., & Gregory-Eaves I. 2019
Boreal river impoundments caused nearshore fish community assemblage shifts but little change in diversity: a multiscale analysis
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(5), 740-752
18) Turgeon K. et al (+ 14 authors; CFRN students). 2018
Enhancing fisheries education in Canada: The need for interdisciplinarity, collaboration, and inclusivity
FACETS 3:963-980 DOI: 10.1139/facets-2017-0038
17) Zhang F., Reid K., Gislason, D. Debertin, A., Turgeon K. & Nudds, T. 2018
Failure to detect ecological and evolutionary effects of harvest on exploited fish populations in a managed fisheries ecosystem
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75(10), 1764-1771
16) Fryxell J.M., Hilborn R., Turgeon K., Carling B., Caskenette A., & K.S. McCann. 2017
Supply and demand drive a critical transition to dysfunctional fisheries
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS): doi: 10.1073/pnas.1705525114
15) Prokopenko C., Turgeon K., & Fryxell, J. 2017
A rigorous test of prey-, predator-, and ratio-dependent functional response models in a zooplankton microcosm
Journal of Zoology 95(3): 177-182, 10.1139/cjz-2016-0106
14) Turgeon K., Solomon, C., Nozais, C. & Gregory-Eaves I. 2016
Do novel ecosystems follow predictable trajectories? Testing the Trophic Surge Hypothesis in reservoirs using fish
Ecosphere 7(12): e01617
13) Corman J., Deemer B., Haynes NM., Gregory-Eaves I., Razavi R., Strock K.E. & Turgeon K. 2016
Lake and Reservoir Management Made a Splash at the 2016 ASLO Summer Meeting
Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin 25(5):
12) Turgeon K. & Kramer D.L. 2016.
Immigration Rates during Population Density Reduction in a Coral Reef Fish
PLoS one 11(6): e0156417. -
11) Ménard A., Binning S.A., Roche, D.G., Turgeon, K., & Kramer D.L. 2012.
Shelters and their use by fishes on fringing coral reefs
PLoS one 7(6): e38450.
10) Shkurti et al. (12 co-authors). 2012.
Multi-domain monitoring of marine environments using a heterogeneous robot team
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Vila Moura, Portugal
9) Turgeon K. & Kramer D.L. 2012.
Compensatory immigration depends on habitat quality and adjacent population size but not on landscape connectivity
Journal of Animal Ecology. 81(6): 1161-1170
8) Miller B., *McDonnell L., *Lewtas K., *Sanders D., Turgeon K. & Kramer D.L. 2011.
Locomotor compensation in the sea: Body size affects escape gait in parrotfish
Animal Behavior. 82(5): 1009-1116
7) Turgeon K., Robillard, A., Grégoire, J., Duclos, V. & Kramer, D.L. 2010.
Functional connectivity from a reef fish perspective: Behavioral tactics for moving in a fragmented landscape
Ecology. 91(11): 3332-3342 -
6) Gotanda K., Turgeon K. & D.L. Kramer. 2009.
Body size and reserve protection affect flight initiation distance in parrotfish
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 63(11): 1563-1572
5) Giguère, P., Dudek, G., Prahacs, C., Plamondon, N. & Turgeon, K. 2009.
Unsupervised learning of terrain appearance for automated coral reef exploration
Computer and Robot Vision. pp. 268-275.
4) Ménard. A., Turgeon K. & D.L. Kramer. 2008.
Selection of diurnal refuges by the nocturnal squirrelfish, Holocentrus rufus
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 82: 59-70
3) Kramer, D.L., Turgeon, K. & Leighton, P.A. 2007.
Book review of Mechanistic Home Range Analysis by Paul R. Moorcroft & Mark A. Lewis
Quarterly Review of Biology. 82:163-164.
2) Turgeon K. & Rodríguez M.A. 2005.
Habitat selection in juvenile Atlantic salmon by use of logistic regression and classification trees
Freshwater Biology. 50: 539- 550
1) Turgeon K., Morin J., Champoux O. & Martin S. 2004.
Modelling wetland classes in the St. Lawrence River floodplain, Quebec, Canada
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Aquatic Habitats: Analysis and restoration. Madrid. 12th- 17th September 2004. P.217-223