Ecology of reservoirs

  • We evaluate the effects of dams on biodiversity

    The fragmentation and regulation of large rivers by dams are considered to be major disturbances to aquatic ecosystem functions and biodiversity.

  • We also investigate how foodweb stability is affected by dams

    By using stable isotopes analysis and fish gastric lavages, we examine the interactions among species in reservoirs’ foodwebs and compared them with natural ecosystems

  • We also examine the evolution of ecological and biogeochemical variables following impoundment

    Following impoundment, reservoirs go through a non-equilibrium phase that can last up to 40 years. GHGs emissions, methylmercury concentration in the foodweb and secondary production vary greatly!

  • We develop indicators to better measure the environmental footprint of hydropower

    The LCA approach (Life cycle assessment) is internationally adopted to evaluate environmental footprint. We develop empirically derived characterization factors to measure the environmental footprint of hydropower

Projects in progress …

  • Examing the effects of drawdown on foodweb and ecosystems services

    Thibaud André-Alphonse PhD thesis

  • Stability and foodweb structure in reservoirs (Inverted trophic pyramids)

    Alejandro Sepulveda Correa PhD thesis

  • Multi-trophic biodiversity and species interactions in reservoirs

    Ntsoa Razafimahefa PhD thesis

  • Developing and comparing biological indicators of change in productivity

    Camille Lévesque MSc thesis

… Projects finished

  • Meta-analysis comparing the impact of reservoirs across latitudes