Wetlands biodiversity and hydrology

  • We model wetlands biodiversity in the Great Lakes

    In collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada, we modelled biodiversity’s distribution in 24 wetlands sites across the Great Lakes and suggest a framework to conserve and restore wetlands

  • We modeled wetland' plants and macrophytes distribution in Québec fluvial lakes

  • We are also interested to study the potential of wetland creation in plantation. Are they ecological traps?

Projects in progress …

  • Mechanical soil preparation and wetlands creation in hybrid poplar plantations

    Théo Gicquel de Menou MSc thesis

    We examine if the mechanical soil preparation (creation of mounds and depressions) to increase tree growth in Hybrid poplar plantation can actually create habitat that are comparable to wetlands.

  • Quantifying the determinants of the hydroperiod in Hybrid poplar plantation's wetlands

    Nickolas Viens MSc thesis

    We quantify the determinants of wetland habitats (i.e., hydroperiod, presence of wetland plants, and soil characteristics) in the depressions created the mechanical sol preparation in hybrid poplar plantations.

… Projects finished